Monday 18 January 2010

EMPIRE - Textual Analysis

Film Magazine Front Covers - Textual Analysis

When I produce a film magazine front cover, there are different codes and conventions I have to take in to account; If this is done, the magazine front cover will be a more successful product.

The magaine I analysed (Empire Oct 2007) had these conventions:

A Masthead -
The masthead is the name of the magazine. This is the bold writing positioned at the top of the page 'EMPIRE'. The masthead is covered with some of the main image because its a well know magazine so it is easily recognised.

Main Image -
The main image takes up most of the space on the magazine and its positioned in the centre.

Sub-Images -
The magazine has four sub-images. They are at the very bottom of the cover, on a very slight slant. There are captions above each picture to let the reader know what they are about. They have used four different film genres to show the magazine has a selection of genres.

Strap Line -
The strap line is placed above the masthead. It is in quite large writing, but its about 3-4 times smaller than the masthead. So it still attracts attention. It says 'BEST WINTER PREVIEW EVER'. This should entice the reader to buying the magazine.

Sell Lines -
The sell lines are there to entice the reader. This particular magazine has six sell lines - these tell the reader whats in the magazine and whats expected.
There is a main sell line in the middle of the page, which is connected to the main image. It says 'I AM LEGEND' and 'LEGEND' is situated over the top of Will Smith. This is the film he is in which connects the sell lines and the image together.

Slogan -
The slogan for Empire on this paticular magazine is 'The worlds biggest movie magazine'. This shows its a well known magazine and bought but many people.

Website -
It has reference to the website to show its online as well as print.

Bar Code

The functions of a film magazine are:

To provide information about the film industry.

To entertain the reader - A magazine is a 'Trusted Friend'.

Promote Films through advitersments and posters.

It has an insight into the film industry in the producers view.

It has different features from actors. This is behind the scene information to allow the reader to understand the film making process.

Preview/Quality/Opinions of the films. The opinions are from film critics or film fans. These are well trusted critics. It gives positve and negative feedback.

Films exist for guidence, information, amusement and entertainment. They create a discourse - This is discussion between film fans.

Film Magazines target an audience through -
The Actor
The Character
The Genre of the Film