Thursday 3 December 2009

28 Days Later - Textual Analysis

28 Days Later is a Horror film. The audience are able to identify this by the by the digetic and non-digetic sound used immedeatly at the beggining of the trailer. You can hear the sound of an alarm, monkeys and a man screaming. Also the speed of the different shots and the font on the titles makes the film feel tense. It targets the audience by showing blood and gore and showing the most exciting clips from the film. It shows the main victim and the monsters. The film trailer lasts 1 minute and 58 seconds and has about 110 shots used. A lot of fade to blacks are used in the transitions between each shot. The digetic sound in the trailer shows the fear and tension in the characters voices. You hear them talking about an infection and it being in the blood which makes you understand the plot better.

The non-digetic sound is lots of tense music, sirens, glass smashing. This creates an uneasiness to the viewer. The trailer creates a code of enigma because it makes the audience want to find out whether the male character survives and whether the disease disapears or not. The titles in this trailer explain what has been going on. It says 'Day 3 Infection' 'Day 8 Epademic' so we know what has been happening up until the 28th day.

In the middle of the trailer, a title with the directors name and what films he has directed before. The mise-en-scene in the trailer shows that the male character is alone in desolate London. Everything else looks dark and dingy with blood and gore everywhere. The trailer is successful in targeting an audience who like horror, but it targets a specific audience who prefer zombies, blood and gore. There are many elements in the movie that create an intimidating atmosphere. These are the different camera angles, special makeup and costumes to build an intense environment.

Codes And Conventions Of 28 Days Later


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