Friday 4 December 2009


A sixteen year old boy (Peter) gets up for school. His parents have left early and left a note on the fridge saying that they had to leave for a conference at work so he is on his own in the morning. He walks down the stairs with a hoody and MP3 player in both ears. He's eating his breakfast cereal in the kitchen and the radio is playing an emergency broadcast explaining that there is an outbreak of a highly infectious virus which turns people delirious and is highly dangerous and the reader reccomends all listeners to stay indoors and to keep their children from going to school. Peter cannot hear this because of his music. He walks to school unaware of all that has happened. He comes across a disoriented young boy, as he is walking, who is from Peter's school and he has school uniform on and this boy just stares with a pale face and mouth open. He then begins seeing disoriented pupil and teachers in school who seem like they feel threatened by Peter as that start slowly trembling towards him. He sees a few other fellow students who are not infected running through the school gates as they are being chased by several infected individuals. He then meets up with them in the vacant reception in Upper School. These friends consist of Lisa, Henry and Simon who are all in his Year Group. They then realise that all school exits and surrounds by infected individuals. So they form an alliance to fight through the school grounds and get to the towns train station to evacuate. This is a daunting task as nearly 2500 pupils and teachers are abundant in the school grounds.

They are trapped in the school assembly hall and trying to find certain implements to use as weapons to combat the infected as they now know they are dangerous and seeking to kill. Steel chairs are used to fight off the ever growing foes in the Hall scene. As they then break out of the hall, they run for the sports field to hide in the tall trees. They run past the sports equipment shed, which is open and grab some hockey sticks to use as weapons. They then run across the field, bringing down each enemy as they pass until they reach the trees. They use this time to carefully devise a plan to escape the school. They loose Henry and Simon to the infected so Peter and Lisa escape the town and eventually get to the train but their is a twist at the end as we find out that Lisa is infected after suffering a minor bite to one of the infected earlier on in the film. The film ends here. So there will be a sequal.

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